Do you imagine as you see passing strangers that they are precious in God's
The Love of God should rule and reign in our hearts for He loves us so much that
He knows every hair on head, has forgiven us much, and Shepherds us day by
Do you set expectations for how God should show up in your life?
When we have expectations that aren't met then disappointment and bitterness can
set into our mindset and erode our lives.
God often weaves together unlikely circumstances and people to create a
beautiful outcome.
But if
Have you ever been jealous over others and their circumstances?
Have you ever thought that God values others more than you?
This world and this time period here is all about growth. It's not about finding
luxury upon luxury or the easy button for everything.
I know that
I love this Psalm! If you have time, read it in several versions through the
YouVersion phone app or
Do you ever feel battle weary? Looking around for how to get a boost to keep
going in the face of mounting opposition?
Cry out to friends to pray
True transformation starts in the mind.
Do you ever struggle to stop doing something you know isn't healthy for you?
Have you ever asked God to show you where you are out of alignment with His will
or where you are sinning against Him?
We often beg God