Have you considered what separates you from those on stages, or earning 7 figures, or best selling authors? #impostersyndrome
I know I have. And I had another client recently say that someone was way out of their league--and boy have I had that thought too. (A good book to read: Secrets Of Six-figure Women).
Here is the fact--nothing separates us from others but confidence and implementation aka time to implement strategies, with massive perseverance, that build our dreams and goals.
It's the bold, confident, gutsy hard work that builds a legacy of blessings. There is NO overnight success. There is no one that didn't have a large network already built that they sold to and created a 6 figure business in the first month--yep I've heard all the stories of "overnight" success or massive selling out of courses or programs with 6 figure launches. But all those people already had a network of people that trusted them enough to buy in.
There is no difference between you and anyone else. You are loved by God. You are created for such a time as this. You are gifted and talented. You have the Holy Spirit in you to grant you creative ideas and the good counsel of God (Job 12:13).
11 For there is no partiality with God (Romans 2:11-16 NASB). He loves each of the same. We are never separated from His love (Romans 8). He puts those amazing dreams in your heart and mind. And He expects us to cultivate faithfulness and courage to co-create those dreams and goals with HIM and to give HIM all the glory (Ephesians 3:20-21 CJB).
Let's choose today to rebuke any jealousy, doubt, insecurities, fear, unworthiness, any feelings of being less than or not good enough. God called you. He will qualify you. You must put in the work with Him each day until the harvest comes in.
*Ready to invest in mindset coaching and sales strategies that bring your goals into reality? Message me and let's link arms today.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You for this day. Thank You Lord for Your love, mercy, forgiveness, and sacrifice for each of us.
Lord help us to do all things through love, hope, peace, patience, perseverance, and a mind to bring about a greater kingdom impact. Please help us to see ourselves the way You do.
We are so grateful for the gifts, talents, and calling that You have placed in our hearts and minds. Please help us put our hand boldly to the plow and co-create all that You want us to with confidence and bold courage.
Please bring us to a renewed mindset that grows more spiritually mature day by day so that we can withstand the flaming arrows of the enemy and the discouragement that crops up now and again.
We thank You Lord that You can work all things for our good and Your Kingdom agenda. We pray that more people would come to You for love and salvation.
We are grateful for Your protection and mercy. Please rebuke the devourer away from our harvest of blessings and kingdom impact.
In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
I am your Christian Business and Life coach here to link arms with you in building your kingdom impact using the gifts and talents God has given you.