The Lord watches over us with care and concern beyond our full understanding.
What care are you seeking God for today?
Are you seeking financial care, restoration, and abundance? Or perhaps health
and healing care today? Restoration of a marriage? Care for a hurting heart?
Where are you seeking your
How do you fill your mind with the glory and miracles of God?
I find myself quickly forgetting how glorious and powerful God can be--the
little and big miracles that He has worked in my life and that others have
shared with me seem to fade away.
I was telling
God's word is an amazing lifestyle, personal development, and salvation book.
Often we look to God for immediate miracles. We beg and plead and look around
seeking ways to hurry up and get us out of the issue or circumstance we are in.
How often do we analyze
Proverbs 4:23
[] Be
careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.
I used to live by a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts that left me
anxious, worried, depressed, afraid--every day all day.
Grace, mercy, love, redemption, healing--all from just a simple prayer.
As I ran yesterday, I was listening to my Bible App read me one of the
gospels--John. The tears sprang forth as it read the account of our Jesus being
condemned--though Pilot found no fault/crime/sin in Him.