Happy Thanksgiving!
As you feast today, I encourage each of us to feast on the blessings of the
Let's give thanks for as many things as our minds can think about.
Let's feast all day on the blessings of God's goodness, love, mercy,
Our mind is the first and primary house we need to focus on before anything else
can be built into a healthy blessing.
But so often we don't bother thinking about the thoughts we are thinking. We
don't take 5 minutes each morning journal them out,
What do you fear?
For decades I allowed myself to stay locked in fear. I was exhausted by my worry
and my emotional turmoil.
God doesn't want us to live life afraid. He wants us to walk our path in life
with bold faith that builds strength and
Peace, calm, and joy.
Who doesn't long for those feelings?
But how do we cultivate those feelings day by day?
A shepherd provides for His flock. A shepherd leads His flock to safety. A
shepherd watches over His flock so that they work and sleep without worry, are
I admit--I love beautiful clothes. I love to feel warm when it's cold, cool
when it's hot, and pretty when my husband looks at me ❤️🥰.
I love to feel appropriately dressed for any occasion. But what clothes really
What does it mean to clothe ourselves