The saying is--a person is the sum of their closest circle of friends.
Who do you spend your time with? Who do you inquire of for wise counsel and
direction? Do you freely talk about God, His word, and His principles with those
that you spend the most time with?
Sunday morning prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
God wants you empowered and walking boldly in your worth, your forgiveness, your
gifts, and your calling.
With the forgiveness of the Lord let's pray to speak life over ourselves and
others. Let's shake off the heavy chains of
God wants to gird you with strength (Psalm 18:33) and anoint your soul with the
oil of gladness (Isaiah 61:3). Are you proclaiming that? Are you praying for
that every day?
Are you ready for healing transformation? Then it's time to link arms with me.
Where does your help come from?
In this world the battle starts in the spiritual realm and is felt in the
God's power and protection are just waiting for us to call for them. I don't
know why we must seek protection, mercy, and guidance
There are so many beautiful covenant promises in God's word. And when we walk in
obedience to God's word He confirms those covenant promises.
What areas of your life need a bit more obedience to God's Kingdom principles?
What areas of your life are