In the entrepreneurial space aka online business space the hot topic is to know
your "why".
To know your "why" means you know why you are working so hard--to know why it
matters to triumph over the hard days--and trust me in the beginning of building
Patience--a mindset point that I am working on for me. How about you?
I love the psalms for the real and raw nature of it. I love that this psalmist
felt as if they were in a pit, I know I've felt that before. And yet he knew
No one loves hard times, least of all me!
Hardship of our own making or hardship from this broken world will come. What
should we do when it is here?
Running to God is the answer to all things. Turning to His word and proclaiming
it over our circumstances brings
The promise land--your promise land of blessings comes through God's word and
walking it out day by day.
I used to live with a mess of thoughts and emotions all day, every day. I often
was quick tempered, quick to make rash choices, quick to give up on
When we fall we will rise because our God is near to us and waiting to help us
rise up more empowered, more knowledgeable, more compassion filled, more
understanding, and more determined then ever before.
Nothing is impossible for us who call Jesus our Savior! No embarrassment, no
failure, no