No one loves hard times, least of all me!
Hardship of our own making or hardship from this broken world will come. What should we do when it is here?
Running to God is the answer to all things. Turning to His word and proclaiming it over our circumstances brings about real power and peace. And then releasing the desire to manipulate and control people and things around us will allow God to craft the outcome that is best for us.
Then daily start with praise, thanksgiving, and gratitude for all that you can name. Journal out your thoughts. Analyze the circumstances, asking God to give you God-blessed eyes to see with wisdom and insight. And then write out your proclamation for the day.
Proclaiming the word is the key to allow God's miracles to start acting in our circumstances. God's word says we have not because we ask not. Ask for protection from the enemy, wisdom, guidance, perseverance, self-control, and a humble spirit to know what must change and what habits are holding you back from the will of God.
Fast. The more difficult the circumstances, the greater the need for fasting. I'm not sure why this is such a powerful spiritual battle weapon. But it is. I typically will fast one dinner meal. *Always talk with your healthcare provider before choosing to start a long fast.
And worship! In the Bible God shows us how walls were torn down and armies defeated through praising and worshiping God. Turn on praise and worship music in your kitchen and lift your arms up to the one who knows all things. Bring so much praise into your home and circumstances that they enemy flees and the Holy Spirit moves in mighty ways all around you.
*I help my clients prepare for hard times. When we have a strong mental, emotional, and spiritual state of being then the hardships of life can be worked out with peace and perseverance. Message me now for a breakthrough strategy session or grab a slot on my calendar link.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come to the throne room of grace with praise and great thanksgiving!
Thank You Lord Jesus that You are our Good Shepherd who watches over us, leads us, saves us, redeems us, and transforms us. We sing Alleluia!
Lord please lead us to create healthy life habits and revelation knowledge of Your scripture for our healing and transformation.
Please open our eyes to see how to release the desire to control others and our circumstances. We long for Your will to be done. We want to work under Your guidance to bring about an abundance of blessings.
Lord please rebuke the enemy from causing us harm and hardship. Please surround us with hedges of protection and lead us into spiritual growth that will create a harvest of wisdom and blessings.
Thank You Lord for knowing every pain, every suffering, and laying Your life down for us. We sing praises to Your name, Jesus! Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
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