Do you let fear consume you? Does fear drive your choices and actions?
For decades fear was the driving factor in all areas of my life. I was so afraid
of what others thought, of making a mistake, of failing, of embarrassing myself,
and on and on.
The truth is
When times are tough I retell myself of all of God's wonderful deeds to me and
to others. And I ask for God-blessed eyes to see how I contributed to the
situation and how I can be apart of the transformation of it.
Hard circumstances often come because
Are you in God's favor and protection?
Who do you help? Who do you advocate for? What do you stand up for? Have you
lost friends and other people's opinion of you?
Jesus said that those who follow Him will experience trials and the world hating
Often we forget that we are called, qualified by God, and so valuable for His
Kingdom agenda!
Let's choose to remind ourselves that what we do today creates a legacy of
blessings for ourselves and future generations.
Let's choose to think about our priorities, our goals,
Everything takes choosing and intention.
On this Saturday let's choose to work on our past hurts. Let's choose to forgive
and release people and circumstances into the hands of God.
Let's choose to be slow to anger and quick to hear and give compassion