Bursting with Blessings

How To Overcome Fear: Devotional Psalm 46:1-3

Do you let fear consume you? Does fear drive your choices and actions?

For decades fear was the driving factor in all areas of my life. I was so afraid of what others thought, of making a mistake, of failing, of embarrassing myself, and on and on.

The truth is that we create more dysfunction and brokenness when we operate from a place of fear. We choose poorly and react poorly when our driving force is fear.

Let's choose today to start creating a spirit of faith in God's ability to craft all things for our good and His Kingdom agenda.

Let's choose to start working on tearing off the shackles of worrying about what others think, of making mistakes, of being embarrassed.

Let's choose bold faith to make hard choices that are in alignment with God's will and way. God will always bless and protect us when we choose to act in accordance with His Kingdom principles.

Let's choose to boldly act on our God-given dreams and goals with daily focused attention to our thoughts, words, actions, and reactions to all things.

Let's cultivate faithfulness through daily prayer and Bible reading and speaking the word of God over our lives! *if you need help with this then reach out--I'll give you a no pitch session with me.

*If you are ready to break the chains of fear or anything that is holding you back jump on a success breakthrough session with me. Your hundredfold harvest of blessings lies in your mindset and actions. I take the overwhelm away and we create daily actions that empower and bless.

Let's pray: Dear Abba Father God Almighty, we worship and give You all honor and praise.  Thank You God for loving us in a real, lasting, redeeming, healing, and transforming way.  

Thank You Lord that You consider us Your daughters.  Please Lord forgive us and lead us to the truth everlasting of Your Holy word.

Jesus please lead us to the scripture that heals and helps us to cultivate bold faith that vanquishes the fears and lies that we have believed for so long.

Lord we long to break the chains that hold us back from the blessings You want us to have and the blessing that You want us to be. Lord please lead us to the healing tools that we need to grow into the blessings that we long for.

Help us please to make the hard bold choices that will bless our lives and bring about a spiritual maturity that doesn't get shaken by the circumstances around us.

Thank You Jesus for being our Good Shepherd that watches over us. Please Lord protect us and rebuke the adversary from oppressing us. We praise Your Holy name!

Thank You Lord that we don't need to live by fear or insecurity but by faith and love.

In Jesus name, we pray, Amen

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.

I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.

Come to this free Facebook community group for even more:  Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah

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