Bursting with Blessings
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1115 Posts USA

Your Identity: How To Be Happy & Fulfilled

I was scrolling through FB and saw a post by a woman that caught my eye. She was celebrating something new in her business building and shared a list of where she thought her identity is from. She proclaimed that her identity was from her husband, her children, and her
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How To Change Who You Hang Out With

Can you finish this statement: "Birds of a feather...." Most of us have heard, that who we hang out with is who we become. Your top closest friends are the barometer of what you think you are capable of or that is even possible. When we are surrounded
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What Separates You From Those You Admire?

Have you considered what separates you from those on stages, or earning 7 figures, or best selling authors? #impostersyndrome I know I have. And I had another client recently say that someone was way out of their league--and boy have I had that thought too. (A good book to read:
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How To Change Your Money Mindset

What money recipe was passed down to you from your parents and grandparents? I often say: insight is empowerment! We can't change what we don't look at and understand. Coaching is often an embarrassing time for me. Unfortunately, I was raised to feel embarrassed by any
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