How comfortable are you with inviting people into sales conversations and talking about the investment cost of your programs/service?
I often work with clients that feel highly uncomfortable talking about money or asking for the sale. I've walked that road too and am still growing in more bold confidence in all respects.
What makes it so much harder for us women to sell our services? Why is it that women of faith struggle with boldly speaking about their pricing? Why does the American Christian culture feel so uncomfortable paying their pastors, missionaries, grief counselors, coaches, and the like a fair exchange for their work?
I remember the first time I created a coaching Bible study program and priced it at a ridiculously low investment cost and someone said that my work should be for FREE because it's God's work! What a broken mindset!
How much more should we be willing to invest in Christian based work! How much more should we spend on kingdom work versus mind numbing movies, vacations to get away from mental brokenness, Target runs to numb the pain of dysfunctional relationships, etc.
My friend, just because we bump up against a lot of broken mindsets in our daily sales outreach doesn't mean we should stop pricing appropriately for the outcomes of our services. Yes, I can help you anchor your pricing in your content and discovery calls but you will still get push back and a no. HOWEVER, we can also create change in our society.
We can continue to educate in our content and keep finding clients who understand investing in themselves and producing a hundredfold harvest of blessings from the work you do with them.
There are so many millions of people in this world. A "no" simply means: "not yet", or "move on."
Do not be discouraged nor dismayed at the work that it takes to build your business. What I failed to realize in the beginning of becoming a Christian life and author is that SALES is my primary job!
It was utterly eye opening to realize (and perhaps you think me foolish) but I didn't realize that building my kingdom business meant daily sales activities that far surpassed what I loved most--writing about God and coaching women into healing, empowerment, and life changing thoughts and habits!
If you have a calling to build a kingdom business of great impact than you have a mandate from God to sell your services. No where in the Bible does God say work for free. Actually the opposite, God says blessed is the person who sells what the people need!
Proverbs 11:26 CJB
The people will curse him who withholds grain; but if he sells it, blessings will be on his head.
The proverbs 31 woman sold all that she made. She went out into town and by the docks and sold what she produced and then invested in a vineyard so she could sell and eat what she and her workers produced.
To me proverbs 18:9 tells me that if I don't do the work God has called me to and don't sell it, than I am a friend to Satan! the destroyer, God's enemy. WOW! mindset shift!
My friend it's time to get bold in sharing about your services/programs, etc. It's time to boldly go out, connect, and invite people into sales conversations.
If you don't know how to sell and/or price your services than let's talk today. Message me. Come into the group coaching program for Christian entrepreneurs. It's time to cultivate everything you need for your legacy of blessings--whether that's your first client or scaling up, I'm here to link arms with you.
Some scripture to think and pray on:
Psalm 90:17 CJB
May the favor of Adonai our God be on us, prosper for us all the work that we do — yes, prosper the work that we do.
Proverbs 14:23 CJB
In all work there is profit, but mere talk produces only poverty.
Proverbs 18:9 CJB
Whoever is lazy in doing his work is brother to the destroyer.
Proverbs 31:31 CJB
ת Give her a share in what she produces; let her works speak her praises at the city gates.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love, mercy, redemption, healing, and transformation.
Jesus we are in awe of You. We are in awe of Your deep and dynamic love for each and every one of us.
Please help us Lord to wrap our minds around Your love and our worth in Your eyes. Please order the thoughts of our minds and the emotions of our hearts to come into alignment with Your will and way.
Please help us to see others and their behavior through the lens of Godly wisdom. Help us to release trying to control how others see our intentions and judge our actions. We know that the only opinion that matters is Yours, Lord.
We thank You that You have plans for us. We thank You that Your ways are far better than our ways. We humbly seek Your guidance for our purpose, mission, and daily habits. Please help us to cultivate positive self-control and self-discipline to come into alignment with the Kingdom principles that bless and protect our lives.
We are so grateful Lord for Your mercy and protection. Please rebuke the adversary from oppressing us and leading us astray. Please keep us planted in Your word and will.
We sing praises to Your name for always hearing our prayers!
Thank You Jesus! Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
I am your Christian Business and Life coach here to link arms with you in building your kingdom impact using the gifts and talents God has given you.