The beauty and awesomeness that our sins are forgiven fills me with awe, joy,
and gratitude beyond measure.
God's love envelopes us with such goodness and healing when we receive Him as
our Lord and Savior.
And He longs for us to be in such intimate relationship with
How much do you live each day remembering your past? How much is your past
holding you back?
I just read my friend's amazing testimony of receiving the bliss and joy that
comes from knowing that Jesus paid it all for her past sins, present, and future
Anticipation--do you enter each day anticipating connecting with God and seeing
His hand move?
I'll admit that I should more intentionally fix my mindset to one of
anticipation/hope daily so my eyes and mind will see God's hand and presence in
every area of my
I love the imagery of lifting my inner being to the Lord. God made our inner
being and we lift it in praise for His immense love and salvation that He freely
gives to those that turn to Him.
God's ways are higher and more complex then we
Do you ever wonder about God's love for you?
The earth was made by God's command. He thought and chose to create the
universe, the earth, and His children--you!
He knew you before the dawn of time. Just writing that brings humble awe to my