Sales tip for this Saturday: Do not put links in your sales message.
Do not send messages into the DM's with links.
Always ASK aka get consent before sending a link to your FB group or calendar, etc.
The reason people don't like sales messages is because it doesn't feel good to have a link shoved into the message that they didn't consent to getting.
I believe we should be sending messages and cultivating relationships.
We should always ask permission before sending a program link, podcast link, group link, website, ebook, worksheet, etc.
Do your best to do your due diligence and make sure the person even NEEDS what you have to offer. Sometimes we can't know for sure. That's why we need to craft our messages with the other person in mind.
Here's how:
info about the person
why you are reaching out
consent question
Hi Leah, I see that you are a passionate kingdompreneur with a love for sharing scripture. I'm reaching out because my mission is to support kingdompreneurs like you with cutting edge information about _______________. Is this something you want to hear more about?
My group has amazing information about ___________. Would you be interested in joining in?
And then send your link if they say YES and if they say NO, say THANK YOU. Do not ghost them.
Then follow up with them by supporting their posts and seeing how you can support them or collaborate with them.
Additionally, as you follow them and see what they are doing you can always show back up in the DM's and offer other content/help relevant to what you see.
Sales is about follow up--message me to learn more and to craft your sales messages, micro-content follow up pieces, mindset, and more.
Message me SALES now.
See sales is all about serving and asking.
Sales is wonderful when done right.

Do you know you need a daily sales system that creates wealth and an inheritance for your children and your children's children?
Then book a call with me and let's work together:
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Business prayer PDF sheet at:
Business Coach, Social Selling Sales Coach, Life Coach, & Author to empower you into all your God-inspired dreams and goals!
I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah:
(Have you created a scripture board--a vision to work toward? Here's the link to my book on how to create it and use it every morning.
Become the queen God wants you to be! Grab my ebook for FREE: Cultivating Confidence & Courage
OR my new ebook on money mindset and wealth creation!
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