Do you live by fear or are you taking courage and healing from God's truth every day?
I find it fascinating that a mindset of fear and worry (which stems from a lack of self-worth and faith in God) eats away at our physical health, relationships, careers, businesses, marriages, God-given dreams, and of course our mental health. I used to wonder why I was "always tired", "always drained", "always putting out fires", and feeling like "everything was so hard", "impossible", for others not for me, and so on.
I didn't know my worth. I didn't know God's word. I didn't truly live with faith in Him. I didn't speak in accordance with His word and my life was a mess to show for it.
I don't buy into the definition of manifestation the way I think a lot of "gurus" talk about and communicate the meaning of it. I feel like so many people think that manifestation means some sort of magical potion--speak this and then it will magically come forth. That's a hard NO for me.
However, I do believe that words have the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). Why do they have the power of life and death, because what we speak, we believe, and then we create through our subconscious actions and reactions to everything. When we talk our subconscious, which doesn't understand jokes, lies, or fact from fiction, begins working to bring forth behaviors and circumstances in alignment with what you and I profess.
When we speak God's word and begin believing it and being it, we start cutting toxic people, habits, and things out of our lives! Thus creating better circumstances, healthier habits--the courage to cut out the toxic habits, relationships that uplift--because we have taken healing and courage from God. We take better care of ourselves because we know our worth thus taking better care of our children, our marriage, our homes, our businesses, etc.
I know that God wants us so focused on His will, word, and way that we are mentally and emotionally filled with His power, truth, goodness, mercy, love, and manifest the glory of God (John 3:21). It's no magic potion. It doesn't happen over night and God deserves ALL the glory!
Philippians 4:8 NASB 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is [g]lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.9 As for the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
Ephesians 5:4 Complete Jewish Bible
4 Also out of place are obscenity and stupid talk or coarse language; instead, you should be giving thanks.
Let's choose to remove all vulgar speech, all complaining, all negative talk, all the off-cuff remarks like: "that was stupid." "I'm so stupid." "I'm exhausted." "Life is so hard." "This is so hard." "Nothing I do matters." "I don't know what to do." "I can't...." "It's/He's/She's/etc. never going to change." "That's impossible." "What will they think of me?" "What if I fail?" "I'll never win."!!!!
Let's choose to take courage, healing, help, and empowerment from God's Spirit and word by choosing to speak God's word, believe it, receive it, be it, become it, co-create it!!!
It's time to be the mighty warrior and army that God wants you and me to be (Psalm 68:12 CJB Adonai gives the command; the women with the good news are a mighty army.) What will you speak in alignment with that truth and will?
*Are you ready to transform your thoughts, words, actions, and life to bring about a legacy of blessings? Message me now about my coaching programs--it's a judgement free zone that brings lasting blessings for yourself and all those around you!
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, we humbly come to the throne room of grace with boldness because of our Savior Jesus Christ! Thank You, Jesus, for making a way for us to be in relationship with Abba Father and have The Holy Spirit dwell within us--what a great and glorious gift that we sing praises and thanksgiving for every day.
Jesus, please, forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things said and done that lead us out of Your will and way for our lives. We thank You for the gift of forgiveness. We praise You that You came forth to take away the sins of the world and bring us out of the darkness and into the marvelous light of being forgiven and free, set apart, made worthy, valuable, qualified, gifted, and healed.
Please help us to remove words and thoughts that are not in accordance with Your word and unique will for each of our lives--for You have wonderful plans for each of us. Please help us to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Your truth and word as we daily soak up Your word and come into a deeper more dynamic relationship with You.
We sing praises to Your name and thank You that You have planted us in Your streams of living water. Please help us to bear fruit in season, our fruit never to wither, and whatever we do to prosper (Psalm 1).
Thank You for being our Good Shepherd! Please protect us and cast out the lies of the enemy and the schemes of evil that are working to be formed against us. Please break every chain, heal every hurt, and rebuke the devourer from our harvest of growth, healing, and blessings.
Thank You, Jesus, for always hearing our prayers. Thank You for loving us with an everlasting love and bringing forth an abundance of transformation, healing, protection, blessings, courage, and perseverance as we submit ourselves for Your transformation and change.
We sing praises to Your name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!