I don't care if you are a 6 figure coach or just starting out--listen and learn.
Sales is about learning--learning about the person you want to engage with.
Sales is about serving what the person really needs NOT filling your pockets.
Sales is about helping others impact the world in a positive, amazing way. AND the only way to do that is to choose to take a few minutes to learn about someone before messaging them. You don't have to know if they need your services. You can ask if they are interested in hearing more about what you offer. BUT you do need to know a few things about them.
It happened again today. A message asking me to share about myself things that are on my page in BIG bold letters and in ALL of my posts--I post almost every day awesome content! It can't be missed how I serve and use my gifts and talents.
Stop sending generic messages. Stop asking questions like: "tell me your goals" or "how do you use your gifts."
Send messages that start with: Hi (name). I see that you are ______. I see that you are passionate about _____. I think it's awesome that you ______. I'm reaching out because ______. Would you be interesting in hearing more about _____?
That's how you do cold outreach. Learn, listen, connect, serve, empower, and maintain the relationship no matter if they respond, say "no", etc.
No more burning leads or giving sales a bad rap. Let's create positive kingdom impact.
Message me and let's talk about your sales strategy and kingdom impact today. I'm here for you to create a legacy of blessings and a positive impact on every human you interact with.
Come join my group coaching program and get all the support, spiritual growth, accountability, business strategy, and more that you need. Let's link arms today.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
I am your Christian Business and Life coach here to link arms with you in building your kingdom impact using the gifts and talents God has given you.