Psalm 119:23-24 God's Word Translation
23 Even though influential people plot against me,
I reflect on your laws.
24 Indeed, your written instructions make me happy.
They are my best friends.
Have you thought of God as your best friend?
God wants not only for us to see Him as our Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, & Savior but best friend too.
Who do you run to to talk about the hurts of this life? Who is your counselor and comforter? (John 14:16)
Let's choose today to talk to God like we would a highly revered best friend, worthy of awe, praise, and worship for His love is everlasting and He delights in us--knowing every hair on our heads.
Let's choose to take time in His holy word to imprint it on our hearts and minds and to speak it with boldness against the lies of the enemy. It is our healing balm that transforms the thoughts and reactions that have. #speakitbelieveitbeit
Let's choose to remind ourselves that though others may not care for us the way we deserve, Abba Father cares for us beyond all measure and comprehension. His love is vast beyond what our brains could ever fathom (Psalm 147:5, Jeremiah 31:3, Jeremiah 32:41).
Let's choose to forgive and release those that have hurt us into God's hands to deal with as He so chooses and knows is best.
Let's choose to delight in His word, in His love, and in the gifts and talents He has granted to each of us to multiple into the world.
Not everyone is for us, in fact most are against us who are marked as Christ's own. But we will pick up our cross, put our hand to the plow, and boldly shine the light of Christ in such a way that others see and glorify Him who called us and loves us.
Let's pray: Dear God, thank You that we can come boldly to the throne room of grace. We are in awe of Your love for each of us.
We thank You Jesus that You hung up Your crown and came down to save us and bring us into a deep dynamic relationship with Abba Father, Yourself, and the Holy Spirit.
Please Holy Spirit guide us as we read Your holy word. Please help us to give over the hurts of the past and present. Please heal us in all respects and help us to forgive and release all those that have hurt us.
Lord we lift our hands up in praise. We sing Alleluia, Alleluia, worthy is the lamb that was slain for us.
We love You Lord and know that You are for us. We know that You love us beyond what we can ever fathom.
Please grant us healing, protection, boldness, courage, and provision as we go forth multiplying the gifts and talents You have so graciously bestowed in each of us.
Thank You Jesus for always hearing our prayers. Amen

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