Bursting with Blessings

Devotional Psalm 5:8

Which way to go? What decision to make?

How often do you ask God for direction? Do you ask in the little things and in the big things of life?

One of the things that often surprised me in the old testament was some of the decisions the Israelites made without seeking God first.  And of course those decisions often spelled disaster for the Israelites and judgement by God for not inquiring of His will for things such as alliances.

But then I looked at my life. I looked at big and small decisions that I didn't take to God in prayer. And I looked at the outcomes--most often those choices I made without God didn't result in the blessings that I assumed they would be.

Sometimes I see people make hurried decisions without God--and other times I see people seek God so much that they never move forward.  They use the excuse of seeking God's will as a way not to step out in faith--allowing fear to be the default decision for them.

Today, let's endeavor to bring things to God and act in accordance with the prompting we feel in our soul.  Let's chose to carefully and with maturity of spirit ask ourselves if we are acting by faith, fear, or impulse to get what we want.

*Need help learning how to discern faith action from fear inaction? That's what a Christian Life coach does for you. Let's talk now: burstingwithblessings@virg.org or message me on my social platforms.

Let's pray: Dear Lord God we humbly come before You with thanks and praise.  We thank You for You love us beyond measure.  You want good for us and we praise You for the plans that You have for us.

Lord please help us to seek Your face and will over all the decisions of our lives.  Please help us to walk by faith and not allow fear to deafen our mind to Your will for our lives.

Help us Jesus to crush fear with Your word and faith!

Please make the way clear and give us the strength and bold courage to do all that You want us to do.  Thank You Lord for making a highway in the wilderness of our lives and streams of living water to flow over the hurt and pain that this world has inflicted on us.

We thank You and praise You!! Now and Forever, Amen!

*I empower women to learn how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of their value, blessings, confidence, and perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.

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