Bursting with Blessings
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Monday Motivation Through God's Word & Prayer

When we choose God's word each morning, we choose to build our businesses, lives, and mind up with power! Psalm 29:4 [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%2029%3A4&version=NASB&fbclid=IwAR3GgxGI17vtAWjnWfEajvWzWEjjAufICkz21z4ryMbrlJQSLwb7dsXTKsw] (NASB versions)  The voice of the Lord is powerful, The voice
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How & Why To Do A Time Audit

Have you ever done a detailed time audit? Most often I have clients and myself unintentionally losing time throughout the day without "knowing" where it is going. And that often means we aren't focused on revenue generating activities--we're flitting about doing things that "
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April Content Ideas For The Faithpreneur

Happy April! and that's no joke Can you believe we're already in April? What is exciting you right now? One thing I love about spring is watching the trees and flowers spring forth while feeling the growth energy that is buzzing all about me. God is
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