Do you feel ready for the God-inspired and given dreams in your heart right now?
I love that God often used the least likely candidates to create massive impact for His Kingdom agenda. And it's fascinating to really analyze their mindsets and perspectives on themselves as God calls them forward into deep faith-filled action. So many of them didn't feel worthy or enough for what God was instructing them to do. Can you resonate with them?
I almost never feel good enough, qualified enough, strong enough, etc. for the God prompts in my mind and spirit. It's been a long road of choosing to do in the midst of worrying about what others will think of me and the potential "failures" etc. that can come from doing what God is instructing.
Sometimes the outcomes don't look anything like what I thought God was going to create with me. And here's the key--doing what God is calling you to do and releasing the outcomes into His hands will free you and grow you!
*My favorite saying for this is: "I release all control to Jesus Christ to craft the outcomes as He so chooses." #crushanxiety #crushworry
God often uses the faith journey of doing what He has called to grow our faith, knowledge, perseverance, and spiritual growth. His Kingdom agenda for us and this world is FAR more important than "getting" what we think we want.
Let's choose today to know that if God says "Do."--then He will grow you in the doing and you are more than enough now to say "Send me, Lord!" (Isaiah 6:8)
Let's choose a mindset of excited anticipation instead of wary apprehension. Let's choose to pick up the plow and not look back to what happened in the past and dwell on the past outcomes that we didn't like (Luke 9:62).
*Are you ready to say "send me" and to create the God prompts on your heart and mind? Message me and let's link arms to create those God-inspired dreams and goals without the overwhelm, loneliness, confusion, and frustration.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus, thank You for this day! Thank You for Your love and mercy. We are in awe of Your loving sacrifice and continued loving guidance.
Lord we humble ourselves before You and ask for forgiveness. Lord please show us where we have put off doing what You are prompting us to do.
Please help us Lord to quickly obey You. Please help us to release the outcomes and to embrace the spiritual growth and cultivation of faith as we co-create with You each day.
We thank You Lord that You qualify the called, that You grant Your good counsel to us, and that You bring others into our lives to learn from and to link arms with.
Please surround us with hedges of protection and rebuke the devourer away from our harvest.
Thank You Lord Jesus! Amen!