Eternity, I can't even fully wrap my head around that concept.
Our God always was and always will be! And He wants you and me with Him forever.
God has designed you and me to rule and reign over the works of His hands. How are you caring for yourself and your kingdom?
Let's choose today to speak with kind courage. Let's rise above the world's way of complaining, draining, yelling, angry, vengeful, jealousy packed thoughts, words, and deeds.
Let's choose to be slow to anger, to be encouraging to all those around us, and to pour God's word into our hearts and then out of our mouths at ourselves first and then to all we encounter today. Let's choose words that lift up, that put healthy boundaries, that show we take our kingdom assignment seriously.
*It's time to grow spiritually, relationally, and in your kingdom calling. Message me now or grab a spot on my calendar link and learn how powerful coaching can be to transform your mind, your words, and your life. Joy and happiness can be created with God. An empowered mind and a thriving life, business, marriage, etc. can be created with God.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come to the throne room of grace with praise and great thanksgiving for You are The Creator of the universe who delights in us.
Lord please forgive us our sins known and unknown and so uplift our thoughts and understanding to embrace our worth through Jesus our Savior and Redeemer.
We are in awe Lord of Your power and majesty. Thank You for loving us with an everlasting love and an everlasting desire to see us transformed and brought into a deep relationship with You.
Lord please lead us to the scripture and the tools that will create a renewed mindset and understanding to build a life that takes the talents, the gifts, the love, and the knowledge of You and produces a harvest of blessings to all those around us.
We worship and praise You Lord. Please protect us and enable us to have the courage, the confidence, and the energy to walk out our calling each and every day with an empowered mindset and words of life and love to all those around us including ourselves.
Thank You Lord God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Amen!