It's Sunday. It's a day to rejoice and be glad in the salvation and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You are forgiven, loved, worthy, and wonderful!
You are worthy of all good things and the bounty and abundance of blessings from God's righteous right hand.
In Exodus God tells the Israelites that He bore them on eagles wings, and brought them to Himself. He further explains that He goes before us and brings us into the land He wants us in little by little so that the land doesn't become desolate and the beasts of the land will not be to much for us (Exodus 23:29).
What is God growing you into? You are not yet ready for all the blessings He has for you. How are you getting ready with God?
Let's choose today to remember how God has brought us out of much and He will continue to use all things to grow us and to bring glory to His name when we choose to work with Him.
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Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love and mercy.
We worship and praise Your Holy Name! We praise You for loving us beyond measure.
Please lead us to the scripture that will open our eyes and renew our minds to connect with You on a deeper level today.
We long to grow closer to You and stay where blessings flow from Your righteous right hand and where we grow ever more Christ-like.
Lord Jesus we love You and praise You forever, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen!