Happy Saturday morning! What are you singing this morning in anticipation of Resurrection Easter Sunday?
This morning I stood in the kitchen with my hands raised and sang an old hymn that I love. I scrambled eggs and let the praise and worship station on Amazon music fill my home and my mind with praise for the loving sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ.
We may not be able to go to church this weekend but we can worship Jesus in Spirit and Truth wherever we are!
John 4:23 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
23 But [a]a time is coming, and [b]even now has arrived, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be [c]His worshipers.
Jesus told me everything I ever did was washed away and I was set free to joyfully be united with God--just as He did the woman at the well (John 4). There is power in the name of Jesus and there is freedom in believing in the salvation He freely gives (Romans 8:32).
Let's choose today to bask in His love and the freedom He provides us to live with joy unshackled by sin!
Let's choose to turn away from the things that hinder and to go forward each day serving God with newness of life and love (see yesterday's live Bible study video).
*Want help growing in the power of God's healing? Reach out to me and let's talk about the healing tools in God's word and Spirit--message me now or grab a spot on my calendar link below.
Let's pray: Dear Jesus, thank You! Thank You Jesus for Your love that is beyond all measure and Your power which saves and heals.
Thank You Jesus for knowing all that we have done and choosing us, saving us, and working to transform us.
Lord Jesus we submit ourselves today for Your healing and transformation. You have called us out of the dark and into Your marvelous saving light therefor help us not turn back to our former ways but strive ever more to show You a measure of gratitude through our daily growing in Your word and will.
We sing holy, holy, holy are You our God Almighty! We bow down and throw our crowns at Your feet as we sing alleluia, alleluia, blessed is He who came in the name of the Lord to save us, redeem us, and qualify us for Your Kingdom agenda.
Thank You Jesus! Please protect us from the devourer and the chaos that he seeks to bring into our lives to keep us from Your calling on our lives. Please imprint Your holy word into our minds so that we can speak it and bring forth Your power into all our circumstances.
Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You! Amen!