From God we have our breath and life
Through God we are sustained, saved, loved, and renewed daily.
To God we owe praise and love for all that He is doing in us, through us, and with us. He made us therefor we are worthy and loved.
Today let's read, speak, believe, and be all that He is calling us to be today!
#SpeakItBelieveItBeIt #Transformation #Change #DailyWork #Conquering #MadeNew #GodsPower #DoIntoFeeling #Action creates #PositiveResults #JoyfilledLife #VictoryThroughJesus #ForgivenAndTransforming #DailyHabits #Momentum #TheBattleIsWon #Bible #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #ChristianCoach #Christianity #DailyVerse #Devotional #Prayer #PraiseAndWorship #BurstingWithBlessings