What is a living sacrifice?? ๐คจ
Since God so loves us that He daily blesses us and gave His one and only son our savior Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for our sins to make a way for us to be forever with God in heaven, then what sacrifice does God deserve? UMMM all of them! ๐
In the book Romans, Paul is calling for behavior change based on the heart change that they received through Jesus.
What can you do today to make a shift in mindset and behavior that would reflect a love for God and His holiness and holy word?
We can do simple things and not get overwhelmed by thinking we have to be perfect or supernatural (God doesn't expect that) ๐ How about simply staying firm in your resolve to be truthful and forthright in all arenas of your life. Coworkers and family should always know that you wont do anything "under the table" or gossip behind a coworker's or family members back. That's a sacrifice--because you must live out the consequences of following God's law instead of the world's law.
Anytime we go against the worldly way of doing things and do things God's way--that's a sacrifice! We must live out the consequences of our actions--WHETHER good or bad!
Let's walk through today living the way God would want us to. Let's walk through the day speaking the way God would want us to. ๐โโ๏ธโค๏ธ
#SpeakItBelieveItBeIt #Transformation #Change #DailyWork #DoIntoFeeling #Action creates #PositiveResults #JoyfilledLife #VictoryThroughJesus #ForgivenAndTransforming #DailyHabits #Momentum #TheBattleIsWon #Bible #ChristianWoman #ChristianMom #ChristianCoach #Christianity #DailyVerse #Devotional #Prayer #PraiseAndWorship #BurstingWithBlessings