Bursting with Blessings

How Beautiful Is Your Home: Devotional 16:5-6

The Lord is creator of heaven and earth and there is no lack in His Kingdom. Often in American Christian culture there is an underlying message that poverty/lack/barely getting by is better for Christians. I know that poverty is good for the enemy's agenda--no offerings can
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What To Say To God: Devotional 16:1-2

What should we say to God? How should we pray? Prayer is a powerful way to connect with Abba Father, Creator of all. I don't think we should limit ourselves to any specific plan when we pray. However, there are things our human minds need and God deserves--gratitude
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The Beauty Of God's Word: Devotional Psalm 12:6

God's word is awesome, beautiful, complex, and wonderful. The word of God is living--transforming our mindset, hearts, and bringing forth an abundance of healing when we allow it to. What are you praying for? What do you want to see changed--yourself or the circumstances around you? My life
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