The Lord is creator of heaven and earth and there is no lack in His Kingdom.
Often in American Christian culture there is an underlying message that
poverty/lack/barely getting by is better for Christians.
I know that poverty is good for the enemy's agenda--no offerings can
What should we say to God? How should we pray?
Prayer is a powerful way to connect with Abba Father, Creator of all.
I don't think we should limit ourselves to any specific plan when we pray.
However, there are things our human minds need and God deserves--gratitude
Our words are the fuel to our day and our blessings. What are you speaking this
Prior to my transforming journey I spoke carelessly. I didn't even know that I
complained so often, was negative, and frequently speaking death over my future,
my marriage, my children, etc.
The safety and protection of being marked as Christ's own is a powerful and
beautiful gift.
We are given far more than we deserve by His love and mercy. But are you letting
that beautiful truth be a stumbling block?
I meet so many women who are fixated
God's word is awesome, beautiful, complex, and wonderful.
The word of God is living--transforming our mindset, hearts, and bringing forth
an abundance of healing when we allow it to.
What are you praying for? What do you want to see changed--yourself or the
circumstances around you?
My life