What are you speaking to yourself and others?
God's word talks about words coming from our heart. And we know that in this
broken world we all have hurts in our heart.
We act out every day what we think of ourselves in our heart. What is your
How honest are you in your prayers?
I often don't want the consequences of my actions or inaction. As I prayed to
God yesterday, I asked Him to relieve some of the long-term consequences of some
of the choices that I have made over the years.
Humans are
Do you sometimes feel lost?
The Lord longs to bring you out of the desert of hurt and confusion and into
your promise land of blessings, provisions, and life.
I find that I often know what God wants me to do but the answer/solution "feels"
hard. And
Faith over fear, over anxiety, over stress, over overwhelm....
But how you ask.
The power of the spoken word over our minds is amazing. It's not an immediate
switch flip from your years of ingrained reactions and habitual words that you
use day in and day out.
Who do you ask wise counsel from? How often do you second guess your choices?
God's word is powerful and an amazing book of life giving skills. Where does
your help come from?
I used to complain, whine, and ask everyone and their mother what I should do