May God help you find time to focus on His word and be renewed. Amen!
*Are you ready to have the word of God empower you through 2021? Now is the time
to join my group coaching program. It's time to invest in coaching that will
help you
Merry Christmas!
May God richly bless your day to remember is immeasurable love for you and His
peace that surpasses all worldly understanding. Amen!
I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak
the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth,
What song will you sing to the Lord today?
Today let's sing praises to God for the plans He established before the dawn of
time. Let's glory in the Savior and Redeemer of our souls for He knew the
sacrifice it would take to draw us
Where do you find wisdom and godly counsel?
God's word tells us to seek first Him, His Kingdom principles, His way, and then
all things will be added to us who seek to follow His path.
Draw near to God every day in every circumstance and He will
Do you fear the judgement of people around you? Do you fear losing their
respect, friendship, etc.?
One thing this journey shows me is where my fears are and where my faith is.
The women who are fearless of others and unshaken by their opinions are the
mighty warriors that