The world loves to keep women stressed out, overworked, and living in lack--time
lack, money lack, lack of peace, lack of healthy boundaries.
In life there is a sacrifice or a consequence for everything we do. Even if the
consequences of our actions are good there is still some part
What does a thriving life look like to you?
The dictionary defines it to thrive as: grow or develop well or vigorously.
prosper; flourish.
We know that God's word is wisdom, power, healing, and life. The word of God
also creates in us a sound mind (2 Timothy
Do you love yourself and others?
Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself. But if you don't love yourself
through God-given eyes and a healed heart then how will you see your neighbor
with loving eyes and compassion to link arms with them in a healthy way?
Sing praises to His name!
Do you love worship music? My heart and mind are transformed when I put worship
music on and start praising God in my kitchen. My children and hubby are used to
seeing me with my hands held high worshiping God for His love and forgiveness.
What do you think of yourself? Do you know that your body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19
Who do you say that you are? Are you reminding yourself of God'