The depth and breadth of our God is beyond full comprehension. His love and
mercy are vast beyond all measure. His judgements of our intentions always true.
How do you intend to live out your days? What are your goals for this life and
the life to come?
Success is
Are you confident? What do you praise?
I used to prize other people's opinions of me above all else. I was broken, my
self-worth was swiss cheese, and I didn't realize that my praise and my
confidence was put in other people thinking I was worthy
Sing His praise aloud!
If you know my work, you know that I can't tell people enough that speaking
out-loud the word of God and praising His name aloud is the key to bring forth
transformation in our hearts and minds. (Have you created a scripture board?
The flood water rushed in through the walls and grew higher and higher. It
wasn't long before everything was soaked, our basement destroyed, and my
financial plans with it.
A flood sent me on this journey. A flood brought me sobbing to the floor so
broken and finally
Let's pray: Thank You Lord God for this Sunday. Thank You that we can praise You
and love You in a dynamic way.
Lord please lead us out of the darkness and into Your marvelous healing light.
Enlighten our minds to understand Your word and Your will for