The flood water rushed in through the walls and grew higher and higher. It wasn't long before everything was soaked, our basement destroyed, and my financial plans with it.
A flood sent me on this journey. A flood brought me sobbing to the floor so broken and finally realizing that I needed tools to survive all that life can bring at us. (You can read my story in my book: From The Flood To The Calling: How Crisis Can Catapult Us To Positive Change on Amazon).
I didn't know at the time how to apply God's word to my thoughts, my emotions, my actions, my future, and so on. I didn't know how to create emotional strength and mental stamina in a way that brings joy in the midst of all circumstances.
But God! God lined up the pieces, the people, the books, the revelation knowledge of His scriptural tools, and the journey so that I could be apart of telling others how to thrive in His word and to build a life of blessings.
That's what God wants for each of us! He wants us to tell about all His wonderful deeds and the power of His word working inside of our hearts and minds (1 Chronicles 16:24).
God wants us to see the hard circumstances and start to speak His word over them and our thoughts so that we can have God-blessed eyes to see solutions that we never thought possible! He wants room in our hearts and minds to bring about miracles and joy like none can imagine! But first we must make room.
We must learn to speak His word so that it radically alters our thoughts and emotions to create insight, revelation, renewal, and understanding like never before!
God doesn't want us just surviving, stagnant, worried, bitter, and broken. God wants us healed, thriving, building, dreaming, singing praises, and watching God's plans unfold in amazing ways.
Choose today to read His word, speak His word out-loud, and be the word that you are reading! #SpeakItBelieveItBeIt
Choose today to change your mindset to make room for God to do powerful things in you and through you. He needs your willing submission to change and grow like never before and a desire to walk out your calling with bold faith day by day.
*Link arms with me and I will show you the tools and the mindset shifts you need for a hundredfold harvest of blessings this season. Link to my calendar below.
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, we humbly and boldly come to the throne room of grace to sing praises and bring thanksgiving for all Your glorious deeds and love that You shower on us day by day.
Thank You Jesus for marking us as Your own. Thank You for salvation, restoration, redemption, healing, and transformation.
Lord please show us our thoughts that need transforming through Your word and Spirit. Please lead us to the scripture that we need to speak over ourselves to create a sound mind, a strong faith, and a spirit of perseverance and stamina.
Thank You Lord that You are the lifter of our head and the one who extricates us from all trouble and satisfies us with long life and blessings upon blessings.
We sing praises to Your name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen!