How do you visualize yourself? What do you see and say inside of your mind?
What we are experiencing now is what we visualized and talked about last year.
We are the sum of what we believe (about ourselves, others, money, sales,
achievement, love, hardship, pain, mothering, leadership, etc.)
How much peace do you have right now? or How at peace are you?
For decades I was anxious, depressed, and working in unhealthy ways to ensure
outcomes that I thought were best for me and for my family.
All my manipulating, working, worrying, complaining, and hyper-fixation left me
Do you see yourself as unique? loved? worthy? called? qualified? complexly
created for a Kingdom impact?
I find it somewhat difficult to keep a balanced perspective of myself and my
worth. It's entirely human to be overly prideful. It's entirely human to absorb
our culture'
Do you remember the interest in the prayer of Jabez from about a decade ago?
As I circle back around in reading through my Bible again, I honed in on this
passage and sat and thought about Jabez's mindset and perspective.
Here is a man listed in 1
How do you make decisions?
I've been working to transform my impetuous tendencies for the last few years.
It's not easy to retrain the brain to weigh carefully and to be patient in
seeking God and His answers.
One thing I do know--when I make choices