During a time such as this, sometimes the caregivers can become drained.
Those of us who love to encourage and build up must also build ourselves up so
that we can keep giving in a positive, loving way and not a martyrdom, ego based
I might hit hard today
Love that overflows. I love the imagery of love that is spilling over and
washing out to everyone filling and expanding.
During this time it gives us an opportunity to grow in God's love. As we grow in
love for God and awe for Jesus's sacrifice
Is now a time for you to invest in learning how to create a Biblical Vision
Board with scripture, affirmation, and proclamations?
Now, is the time to grow, learn, and be ready for the future. We will come out
of this strange and difficult time. We can use this time
Our God is the God of miracles.
Our God can take what seems like an overwhelming situation and bring us through
and catapult us into blessings never before thought of.
Ephesians 3:20 New International Reader's Version (NIRV)
20 God is able to do far more than we
Do you have a new morning routine? share below
I love how the psalmist tells about their morning routine of praying, praising,
and knowing that God hears each of us as we bring our praises and requests
confidently to the throne room of God.
Let's bring our praises