Bursting with Blessings

How Your Love Can Overflow: Devotional 1 Thessalonians 3:12

Love that overflows. I love the imagery of love that is spilling over and washing out to everyone filling and expanding.

During this time it gives us an opportunity to grow in God's love. As we grow in love for God and awe for Jesus's sacrifice for us then our love grows and flows out.

Let's reach out to as many people as we can today. Let our love overflow and expand into all the uncertain, worried minds that we can.

Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty we worship You. You are God alone. You are our strong tower. You love us with an everlasting love that flows and grows as it enters our hearts and minds.

Thank You Jesus for making a way for us to feel that love, that forgiveness, that wholeness with Father God.

Lord Jesus help our love to grow for all those around us. Help us to overflow with love and desire to help all those we can through, psalms, hymns, prayers, words of encouragement, and whatever actions we can take during this time period.

We worship and give You all thanks and praise for the revival that is flowing through our church's, home's, heart's, and mind's.

In Jesus name, we pray, Amen

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