Bursting with Blessings

Christian Affirmation For Bold Strength From The Lord

You are all these and more. Let's tell ourselves this affirmation daily and walk in this truth. #affirmations [https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/affirmations?__eep__=6&source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARANMuKMS3oFeEmanNdlu2jtYvf-sgMwr5bcnCmdbRF3lV_ByqIoSpKDVEFbQDGFg8BdgyhGKFL2ilQKjo0LQmRod6umPHJRfXE-7_txWcbR1T4XCldrdKtaIJhgfsZZO3TvhBipjeCmtvXjmPqslNnd5BC9RxOHHtIXRXzZFhrUp9pJxHILR9WTKH-EUQG4H8bvLStpOrTewG1LeKxORp4WiVSd3XZx-9bFTOwb2C3FEuAQLBoSwjr-13na84rpdhxlHoL6PORLHrxrFPdBON9HNDYYY
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Proverbs 24:3 Cultivated Prayer

Another encouraging scripture and prayer for today: May God imprint His Holy word upon our hearts and minds (wisdom) and give us revelation knowledge of how to understand its application for our lives. In Jesus name, Amen
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