How do you feel about walking right up to Jesus and asking for help?
Can you imagine Him standing in your room waiting for you to engage with Him?
I sometimes will try and picture where Jesus is by me. I often sense He is at my right side--though I know that that most likely comes from my scripture reading. But just imagining where He is brings Him closer to me--helps me tap into the spiritual and really talk with Him.
He is our God, our friend, our Savior, our Healer. But we have to walk up to Him and ask for help and then we have to walk out what He tells us to do.
For me the walking up and asking is usually really easy. But the walking out of my Good Ship Comfort and walking on the water where I might fail, where I need constant Jesus support to make it--that's so much harder.
But as I walk out on the water and do the hard things He wants me to do they suddenly and unexpectedly start to feel easier--like breathing with ease.
This life isn't easy. Change isn't easy. Asking for help and then following through to doing the tools given in scripture is not easy at first, but then like a runner who started on the couch the 3 miles suddenly seem not so daunting and not so tiring. *If you need help following through on your goals or to make the journey a whole lot easier than let's talk 📞
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for knowing every sin but never sinning. Thank You for walking in our shoes, knowing our thoughts, our hurts, our joys. But, most importantly thank You for salvation.
Lord we are so grateful for forgiveness, please forgive us our sins known and unknown, things done and left undone.
Lord please help us walk to you and ask for help and then do what it takes to bring healing, transformation, and blessings to ourselves and others.
Please give us courage and stamina to do all that we know we need to do to create the abundantly blessed life--shining Your light in such a way that others see our good deeds, hear our words, and glorify You.
We give You all thanks and praise, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen