Mindset--God is definitely concerned with our mindset on every topic and every issue.
We broken humans often focus on the issue not how we ourselves react and think about to the issue (that's why journaling is so important).
This morning I said to my son "Jesus first in everything" as I encouraged him to do his Bible reading before the pleasure of his video games.
What's your mindset today? Is everything Jesus first?
Is our mindset about ourselves, money, marriage, eating, fitness, career, friendship, social media, housekeeping, reading, vacationing, going to church, etc-- Jesus first?
Let's ask ourselves that question as we pray and move through our day.
God longs to bless us and answer our prayers. So let's think about what we are asking in light of the thought: Jesus first, His Kingdom agenda first, and then all these things will be added unto me (Matthew 6:33).
*need mindset shifting Christian coaching to create the blessings and life you want--let's talk 🗣🤳❤️
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we humbly come to the throne room because You gave the most precious of gifts--Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We aren't deserving of grace, forgiveness, and abundant blessings but You made a way for all of that and then some.
Thank You Abba Father for loving us with an amazing everlasting love.
Help us Lord Jesus to think of You first and Your Kingdom agenda first as we move through our day and use the gifts and provisions You have so generously provided for us.
Please help us to be wise stewards of them all and to give You thanks and praise every day for these abundant blessings.
Please work on our hearts and mindsets to be in alignment with Your will and Your way. We submit ourselves Holy Spirit for Your transformation and change--please grow us spiritually and imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds.
We sing praises to Your name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.