Bursting with Blessings

How To Thrive Through Every Circumstance, Good & Hard!

The message was a gut punch. I felt angry, upset, and confused. It was so unexpected that I hadn't even considered the possibility. Have you been there before?

In life we experience things that range from mundane to excitement to devastation to mild upset and so on. One phone call or one moment can send our day in a direction we couldn't have even considered.

Everything in life is choices. Whether I like it or not, how I choose to allow my emotions to stay is a choice. While I don't subscribe to the "happy all the time" nonsense. I believe we can choose what emotions we allow to dwell and grow within us.

As I started to process my emotions over the gut punch I received yesterday morning, two things became very apparent to me:
1. God is the God who sees me
2. His word is living and active--it transforms minds, hearts, emotions, and circumstances.

God brought about a divine timing to sit with Him and to speak scripture in prayer and praise that He is the God who goes before me and is the God who is my rear Guard (Deuteronomy 1:30, Isaiah 58:8).

My friend if we want to thrive through each day and each circumstance than God's word is the necessary nourishment, healing balm, and empowerment.

There is nothing at all like God's word. It is beyond a roadmap to abundance, salvation, and blessings. It is beyond a self-help book. It's life everlasting, a way to sensitize our minds to hear God, and the transforming energy that heals every broken place when applied correctly.

I wish I had learned how to apply God's word into the mental and emotional healing that I needed decades ago.

I no longer live bound to anxiety, depression, and fear. I no longer live with anger and brokenness that created such dysfunction and toxic words, relationships, and reactions.

If you are stuck and you don't know how to thrive and feel the peace of Jesus Christ in all circumstances now is the time to message me PEACE and learn how.

It's time to build your life on God's word and through His healing methods that bring forth a legacy of blessings. Don't trade the passing toxic pleasures of this life for a temporary fix. Choose life everlasting and a kingdom impact that transforms families, communities, cities, states, nations, and more.

Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty thank You for this day.  Thank You that Your word is a lamp unto our feet and the solid rock on which we can stand.

Lord please bring us the words we need to read in Your Holy Scripture today.  Please help us to pray and speak life over our circumstances.  Help us to not complain but sustain forward movement when discouragement tries to overtake us.

We thank You Lord for imprinting Your Holy word upon our hearts and minds.  Please lead us to grow spiritually and to boldly proclaim Your truth wherever we go.

In Jesus name, Amen.

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.

I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.

I am your Christian Business and Life coach here to link arms with you in building your kingdom impact using the gifts and talents God has given you.

Come to this free Facebook community group for even more:  Blessed Christian Business Success & Life Coaching by Leah

If you are ready for success breakthrough strategies and empowerment then book a zoom chat with me on my calendar link.

(Have you created a scripture board--a vision to work toward? Here's the link to my book on how to create it and use it every morning.)

Become the queen God wants you to be!

Grab my ebook for FREE: Cultivating Confidence & Courage

OR my new ebook on money mindset and wealth creation!

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