Impressive or Impressing
Self-esteem or garnering esteem
Thoughtful communication or silence
We as women are often silencing ourselves, working to impress, and living in fear--fear of criticism, job and/or promotion loss, and relationship erosion.
It's the natural consequence of a broken world that uses silencing techniques and marginalizing words like: "too emotional", "bossy", "pushy", "defensive" etc.
Women are created to birth relationships, communities, ideas, and impact. And yet we're most often overlooked, devalued, and diminished for our perspectives and contributions.
My friends when we know the tools people (both men and women) use to negate our impact and keep us small we can more easily overcome and trust our instincts to boldly advocate for ourselves, our ideas, our thoughts, and our impact.
Coaching strategy:
This weekend spend some time writing out what words and actions have you experienced lately that feels censoring, dismissive, and uncomfortable.
Then write out who you are. What is your identity, impact, skills, talents, and abilities.
Ask yourself:
1. Do I trust myself, my intuition, and my abilities?
2. Where and when have I dismissed my intuition and my contributions?
3. How did I silence myself this week, this month, this year?
4. What do I want to advocate for in myself, my family, my home, my work, and my community?
5. What words and phrases do I want to change or use to help advocate and speak up for myself, my ideas, and my impact in all areas?
6. What do I need to feel safe enough to be more confident, bold, and courageous?
Yes, learning to re-trust our intuition is so important. Most women struggle to trust themselves because of the constant message/gaslighting that what they see and feel are not the truth.
It takes re-learning to trust ourselves and believe in our perspectives enough to advocate for the truth.
If you are struggling to believe in yourself and trust your intuition, reach out to me in messenger and let's work together. In just a few sessions most of my clients are seeing a massive shift in their ability to communicate with courage and not be shaken by what other's think.
*You matter and your impact matters. Your relationships matter. Come work with me to positively grow every area of your career/business, life, and relationships. Message me "coach".
#communication #businessgrowth #confidence #promotion #careergoals #relationshipgoals

Book a call with me and let's work together:
I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah:
(Have you created a scripture board--a vision to work toward? Here's the link to my book on how to create it and use it every morning.
Become the queen God wants you to be! Grab my ebook for FREE: Cultivating Confidence & Courage
OR my new ebook on money mindset and wealth creation!