How do you sleep at night?
I used to toss and turn at night, thinking of all I did wrong during the day or thinking about the many problems that we had swirling around us.
While we may not have an army hoard seeking to destroy us, we all have myriads of issues that we are dealing with--the biggest one I see for most women is the financial burden of debt and lack of resources that they need so much for themselves and their children.
The enemy is all to happy to keep our minds fixed on our problems, fixed on our past sin, fixed on our perceived failures, and so on. Then sleep becomes fleeting, unrestful and life becomes harder because we begin making poor decisions and destroying relationships because we're too tired to have a right mindset to speak with kindness, dignity, and proper boundaries.
Today I want to encourage you to journal out the "enemy problems" that surround you. And one by one I want to encourage you to pray over them and ask God to help you release them into His hands at night and to empower you during the day to work on them with a right mindset of action that God wants you to take.
Listen to His leading my friend. You can't vanquish the enemy and the problems on your own (Psalm 60:11).
We need to do things God's way, in His timing, from His strength, standing on His word, speaking His word, and acting based on His Holy word and the word that He tells us.
*Need help cultivating how to stand on His word and shift the mindsets that are holding you back? Let's talk about which one of my coaching programs are right for you and your circumstances now.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love, mercy, protection, healing, renewal, and Holy scripture which is life everlasting.
Lord we pray for forgiveness, please forgive us our sins known and unknown and so uphold us by Your Spirit--for deliverance by human strength is impossible.
Lord we each have enemy situations holding us back from rest, from trusting in You, from living a life of blessings because we are so fixed on them we are missing Your word and Your way to make those situations turn into miracle praise testimonies.
Lord please help us to humble our pride, ask for Your help, and act in accordance with Your word so that we can become part of the miracle of transforming our life and the burdens that we face.
Lord Jesus we thank You that You want us to rest with Your peace and to be renewed by Your Spirit and word.
Thank You for hearing our prayers. Amen and Amen!

*I empower women to learn how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of their value, blessings, confidence, and perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
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