Do you look around and compare yourself to others? Do you struggle with imposter syndrome?
It's so natural and human to compare and contrast our life journey, our business growth, our behavior, our programs, pricing, marriage, parenting, and on and on.
We are only meant to run the unique race Christ has for us--no one else, fixing our eyes on Him, the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
God wants us to follow Christ's example of life and business building--because His kingdom business matters!
Are you following His example? I know that almost EVERY day, sigh! I have to realign my thoughts and emotions with the truth of His will and way for me. As I scroll through social media my mind and the enemy immediately tell me why I'm falling behind, not doing enough, haven't tried X strategy, and why my mothering isn't up to "standard", etc.
Jesus never compared Himself to others. And He didn't tell people to compare themselves to anyone other than God's word and way. He actually tells us NOT to compare, not to strive for importance in this life but to serve and fix our eyes on God's kingdom agenda.
Christ's example was a well paced, unrushed life. His life was: getting away to be with God (He shows us the critical importance of this!), moving into and around people's lives, serving, healing, inviting people to follow Him, ever mindful of God's timing for His life mission.
I know that I struggle to stay mindful of my mission above my selfish desires. I know that my flesh is weak when it comes to striving, worrying, hurrying, manipulating, and so on.
Let's choose today to journal our mission and calling out on paper to see again why God chooses, qualifies, and grows us.
Let's choose to align the thoughts of our mind and the emotions of our heart with Christ's will and way--unrushed, growing in His word and way.
Let's choose to rebuke the desire to compare or be jealous of what others have, are doing, saying, creating, impacting, etc. Let's choose to pray for them and pray for ourselves to run our own race and build our own kingdom business and impact on God's timing.
Let's choose to surround ourselves with God's word and our mission statement to keep the vision ever before our eyes.
May we all wisely move through our day's with God's wisdom and Christ's example. Amen
*Come talk with me about your goals and what you want to co-create. It's time to get the holistic coaching you need to create your God-inspired dreams and goals without confusion or overwhelm.
Scriptures to meditate on:
John 21:22 NASB: Jesus *said to him, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!”
Numbers 11:29 NASB1995: But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!”
James 4:2 NASB1995: You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask.
James 3:16 NASB 1995: For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.
*book a call with me and let's work together to help you create the joy, worth, courage, dignity, goals, dreams, and wealth you want for yourself and your family: