Mindset shift.
What mindset shift do you need?
We are all unique. We each have different needs--some of us need to value ourselves more, some of us need to be humbled.
I love that God's word meets each of our needs. Today sit and journal who you think you are in Christ and in comparison to others.
God wants us to value ourselves, to feel our worth, to walk boldly in our calling and gifts. AND He wants us to have a right outlook and value on all those around us.
Not one of us is higher than another. And each of us has deep value and worth. We are called to love ourselves and love one another.
Do you need to value yourself more? Do you need to humble yourself more? We need right balance of thought and mindset to walk in our blessing and to receive the blessings in this life and the life to come.
*Want to learn how? 🗣🤳 message me and I'll teach you the tools that bring the right mindset and blessings.
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty, thank You for loving us with an everlasting love. Thank You for calling us worthy. Thank You Lord for dying for our sins and humbling us to see our sin and repent.
Lord please forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone.
Holy Spirit please cause our minds to see what right mindset we need to have today--please humble us if we need it, please lift up our head if we need it, and give us the ability to become Your light, Your words, Your actions to help change this world.
We give You all thanks and praise for what You are doing in us, through us, and for us.
In Jesus name, Amen.