How much peace do you have right now? or How at peace are you?
For decades I was anxious, depressed, and working in unhealthy ways to ensure outcomes that I thought were best for me and for my family.
All my manipulating, working, worrying, complaining, and hyper-fixation left me depleted, exhausted, hard to be around, with an ulcer twice, and depressed.
Jesus gives us a peace--a peace that is not defined the way that the world defines it. I'm not sitting around constantly zen or joyful. No I experience my emotions. I process my emotions and thoughts in a different way now.
God says do not worry, do not fear, do not strive and manipulate. He wants us walking according to His word, will, and way--cultivating faithfulness and trust in Him (Psalm 37:3).
Peace comes when we release trying to control things, people, and life into the picture that we want. We all have these preconceived notions of how God "should" show up. We all pray for God to make things happen our way, right away--and God isn't a fast food joint.
To have peace we need to release how we want God to show up, provide, and bring forth expected outcomes. To have peace we need to take God out of the box: "God this solution to my problems are best so please give me this." And just allow God to move and create things in His way, in His timing, utilizing people and things in awesome and sometimes "small", sometimes unexpected ways.
Let's choose today to ask and then say, just like Jesus, but not my will but Yours God.
Let's choose to stop trying to guess what solutions God "should" bring and simply ask for: God-blessed eyes to see solutions and the actions He wants us to take in accordance with His will and way.
Let's choose that the outcomes are in His hands and then your soul and mine will be at peace--because God blesses the faithful and we can't walk in faith unless we trust that He will bring about our best good and His Kingdom agenda (Romans 8:28).
Let's choose to remember that His Kingdom agenda and His ways are not our ways. His thoughts on how this world should go our definitely not our thoughts and often life is nothing like we presume it should be and let's be okay with that.
*Do you want peace, strength, and the right strategies to build your business and life up? Message me now and let's talk about what coaching will do for you!
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, we boldly and humbly come to the throne room of grace, mercy, healing, salvation, and peace.
Lord Jesus please forgive us our desire to manipulate people, circumstances, and You into our will and way. Please open our eyes today to see that Your ways and will are often so very different and so much more wonderful than we could ever imagine.
Lord we humbly submit our expectations of how You should make things easier on us. We submit our "shoulds" to You and ask that Your will be done in each of our lives.
Please help us to know when we are striving, manipulating, complaining, and trying to craft our life, the lives of others, and our circumstances into what we want versus simply doing what You decree in Your word and allowing the circumstances to develop as You desire.
We thank You and praise You Lord that You are our God in whom we trust. We praise You that we can have a deep, dynamic relationship with You Jesus!
We sing praises to Your name Lord for granting us peace and the Holy Spirit to guide us through this broken, sinful world.
Jesus please rebuke the adversary from us and guide us each day into Your word, into Your will, and into the Kingdom impact that You have planned for each of us.
Thank You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for Your love, mercy, protection, guidance, salvation, and for always hearing our prayers.
Your will be done, Abba Father, Amen!