Money, wealth, riches, compensation, payment, investment, finances, savings, income, bank account, spend, buy, tithe....
Practically everyone I talk to talks about money. It is a necessary source of energy to bring forth the things that we need and want.
I find that the majority of Christians have a broken money mindset. The majority of people have a lack mentality. We think that there is a lack of money, resources, time, talents, etc.
I challenge all of us to start opening our minds to a different perspective. I challenge that we stop seeing lack everywhere and start empowering our mind with God's abundant energy, creativity, and blessings from His word.
God created gold and every other thing we use as a money exchange. God is THE Creator of the universe. There is nothing that our God can't do.
Our God asks us to do simple things that WE make hard. God asks us to see things in a very different perspective than the one we were raised with and the one we are inundated with by the media.
Let's choose to see God's word on money from His perspective. Let's choose to write it out in our journals and start making the shifts from LACK mentality to ABUNDANCE mentality.
Let's choose to walk by faith--speaking the truth of God's word over our circumstances and then putting our hand to the plow and not looking back on what has happened (Luke 9:62) BUT embracing an excited anticipation to see God show up and work in us and through us for our abundance of blessings spiritually and in our wealth.
*Are you ready to make financial changes that bless your life and future generations? Then it's time to come into financial coaching with me. It's time to stop the spiritual poverty and broke mentality and create an abundance of spiritual growth and wealth. Message me now and learn how good life can get.
Let's pray: Dear God Almighty, we humbly come to the throne room of grace with praise and great thanksgiving!
We are in awe of Your love, Your creativity, Your compassion, Your mercy, and desire to bless those that follow after You with their whole hearts and beings.
Lord we need a perspective shift, we need a mindset that is empowered not disempowered, broken, and focused on lack and complaining. Lord please lead us to the scripture that we need to speak and pray every day to empower our mindsets and allow Your miracles to flow into our lives.
We thank You Jesus that You have forgiven us and set us free from destruction and brokenness. Please help heal the parts of our mind and heart that is broken and focused on lack.
We know that You are the God of all creation. Your power is vast beyond all measure and we know not how immense and incredible life can be if we simply follow and obey Your word.
Please help us to cultivate an understanding of money, time, work, and communion with You that is one-hundred-percent aligned with Your will and way no matter if it goes counter to what we have learned in church, family, school, or this world.
We sing praises to Your name, Lord for You delight in our prosperity! We praise You because You desire to heal and transform us day by day into the miracles we keep begging You for.
Please help us to put our hand to the plow and not look back at what has happened. Please help us to develop self-control and self-discipline to continue to diligently work to know You, Your will, Your way, and the life that You long for us to have.
Thank You Lord for knowing us, seeing us, calling us worthy and beloved. Please bring peace within our borders, prosperity within our palaces, and new wealth to overflow in our bank accounts (Psalm 122:7).
Please surround us with protection from the lies and schemes of the enemy to keep us impoverished spiritually and financially. Please lead us to rebuke the enemy by proclaiming Your word and keep us planted in Your living word day by day.
Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, Holy Spirit! Thank You, Abba Father! Amen.