Do you run with your goals in mind? Or are you running with fear in mind?
We know that fear is from the enemy and fear IS the enemy of our dreams, goals, and kingdom impact!
I was talking with my mindset coach today (yes coaches NEED coaches) about my goals for 2022 and the fear that keeps bubbling up when I think on them. And we both commented that fear is the destroyer of dreams, goals, and positive actions.
It's normal to be afraid. It's normal to want to have CERTAINTY that the plans you create will come out exactly the way you and I envision them. But then where/how would we cultivate faithfulness and hold God's hand every second of the day come from?
Let's choose today to craft our goals with bold simplicity. Let's craft goals while the fear lingers underneath--because let's face it, the fear will be there BUT it doesn't need to be a permanent wall.
Let's choose to pray and write the goals with utter abandon to what others will think of us or trash talk about us--stop choosing your life based on what you think other will think or say!
Let's choose to place those beautiful goals onto a place that you will see them every day! Mine are in my bathroom wall--I see them throughout the day and pray over them every morning. (want my Biblical Vision Board book? Link here)
Let's choose to create a daily action strategy that will make the goals and dreams inevitable--all while releasing the outcomes into Jesus Christ's hands to craft as He so chooses! No need to worry if they truly will come to be--give the outcome to Jesus and put your hand to the plow each morning allowing God to help the hundred-fold harvest of blessings to spring forth.
*If you want help crafting your goals and breaking them down into empowered action steps with a mindset that won't be stopped by any of life's circumstances, then schedule a Strategy Session with me. Message me now.
Let's pray: Dear Lord thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love that surpasses all worldly understanding.
We are in awe of You, Jesus! We thank You for rescuing us. We thank You for the beautiful plans that You have for each of us. Jesus please forgive us our sins. Please forgive us when we let fear rule, most especially when we let the fear of what others think over-ride the calling and bold actions that You are prompting in our hearts and minds.
Please empower us day by day to crush the lies of the enemy and the desire to please others over doing Your will. We know that when we walk in Your will an abundance of growth and blessings spring forth.
We long to stay in a deep, dynamic relationship with You Lord. Please keep us firmly planted in Your word, in Your streams of living water, bearing fruit in season, keep our leaf from withering, and prosper us in all respects.
We sing praises to Your name, Jesus! We thank You for surrounding us with hedges of protection. Please rebuke the devourer away from our harvest of blessings and break every scheme of the enemy.
We will rise each morning with a determined spirit to put our hand to plow and co-create every blessing, every bit of growth, and kingdom impact that You have assigned to us.
We pray all this in Jesus Christ's precious, Holy name, Amen!