You don't have to eat that!
It's amazing to me what we consume from the people around us, the images around us, the music around us, and the hurtful thoughts and memories that swirl within our minds.
For decades I looked around me to receive messages that I was good enough, mom enough, wife enough, nice enough, liked enough, and on and on. And I see so many women doing this and most of them, just like myself a few year ago, don't even realize how badly they need to work on their self-worth, worthiness, etc, and stop consuming the lies, the incomplete and mixed messages of this broken world and the broken people in it.
Once I started to see my worth and value through God's eyes from His Holy words the veil was torn away. I could see how I was grasping for affirmation from others. I could see my grasping for approval and love from all the wrong places.
I stopped justifying myself and my choices to others. I started to seek only approval from Abba Father not the world or it's broken ideals.
How do you start building your worth and value so that other's opinions and thoughts they feed you are no longer consumed as truth in your mind and heart?
Speak it--God's word out-loud! Proclaim it--change God's word into an I statement about yourself! Believe God's word! Reframe the thoughts and words of others with the truth of God's word!
Choose what you eat from the television, radio, family, friends, and the enemy that speaks lies or reminders of your past at you.
To take your thoughts captive:
1. Ask God to help you become aware of thoughts and words that are lies, hurtful, or meant to tear you down.
2. Then speak God's word out-loud. Keep scripture where you can see it and speak it--notecards, your journal, your phone recording, your bathroom walls--grab my Biblical Vision Board book and message me for the scripture I have on my bathroom wall.
3. Pray against the words that hurt and tear down.
4. LIMIT where the mindset trash comes from. That may mean that you fast television or radio for as long as you need too--I no longer listen to secular music because of how it effects my mindset--see the blog article here. That may mean putting hurtful people in permanent time-out.
5. Fill your mind with God's word and worship music every day, every morning, every lunch, every night if you need to. My favorite Bible app is YouVersion because it will read it to me while I run or do chores.
Does this sound hard? It truly isn't once you start acting on it. Does it take time? Yes. You've spent decades eating the world's lies, living the trauma of your past, consuming the culture of your parents and family.
Will blessings start to flow immediately? Yes. Ask God to make aware of them. It started as a trickle for me and now it is a gushing fountain of goodness, blessings, opportunities, health, healing, happiness, and joy.
I no longer eat my emotions all day--anxiety, depression, sadness are far from me now. Do I have hard moments? Of course. Do I employ all these things daily? Yes. Sometimes I take more time to soak up God's word and speak it but often the time is so minimal in the scheme of life that why wouldn't I. Why wouldn't 15ish minutes a day that breaths joy and life into my life be worth it!?
You are worthy to have the blessings and the joy that comes from aligning your thoughts and actions with God's word.
*Are you ready to invest in your future happiness, blessings, and legacy? Then it's time to message me about my coaching programs! or email me at: or message me on LinkedIn
Let's pray: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this day. Thank You for Your love, Your word, Your mercy, Your favor, Your forgiveness, healing, redemption, and power beyond all measure.
Lord Jesus please lead us to the word that we can speak, believe, and be for our blessings and Your Kingdom agenda.
Lord we long for the goodness of the Lord in the land of living and an empowered mind that can do all things through You.
Please help us to see the changes we need to make in our mindset, our words, and our actions to bring forth an gushing fountain of blessings to ourselves, our families, and future generations.
We worship and praise You now and forever, Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah