Do you worry about what others think of you? Do you worry that you don't know your full purpose, mission, and calling? Do you worry that others are better at the calling you have? #impostersyndrome
Our brains often overcomplicate everything that God is calling us to--and now your stuck, stagnant, and wondering what to do next. Why? Because it wants us: in line with what we were told is "safe" and it craves keeping us in the background where no judgement or embarrassment can exist (although I challenge that we get judgement from hanging in the background anyway)!
Top that off with the enemy wanting us to keep small, dim our light, and never impact the world and others in a positive way and you have a perfect combo to crush your God-given dreams, goals, talents, and kingdom impact.
No matter what is on your heart to do and co-create with God, NOW is the time to do it. Now is the time to cultivate confidence, faithfulness, and bold daily actions.
You are created for such a time as this. No matter if multiple others are doing something similar, God has created, before time began, the good works and kingdom impact that He wants for YOU to make!
I'll help you put your thoughts into perspective, your mindset into empowered action, your unique strategies in an order that your brain can't complicate, and nurture you into the spiritual growth you need for this season of your life and business building goals.
📩 Send me a message and let’s chat today!