Speak life. Speak Truth. Speak His word.
I didn't fully understand how powerful my words were until I entered into coaching.
I had heard that I shouldn't swear/curse but I grew up in a chaotic, angry home with a lot of cursing. I didn't realize the negative power it had on my mind. And I had no idea how hard I would have to fight to start changing how I spoke--especially when angry.
Your words have an energy that will either empower you or drag you down.
Today let's pay a bit more attention to our words--the ones we say to ourselves, to others, to God.
Let's work today to speak life giving words to ourselves. Let's speak simple prayers of thanksgiving and petition--with a spirit of trusting.
*Need help shifting your thoughts and words--let's talk, I've got a program just for you 🗣🤳
Let's pray: Dear Lord Almighty, we humbly come to Your throne room of grace to give thanks and praise for You are God alone--Holy, Mighty, Loving, and Merciful.
Lord please forgive us our sins, known and unknown, things done and left undone, so that we may release our sin and shame and work toward lasting transformation and change by Your Spirit.
Thank You Jesus for Your loving sacrifice and wanting us to change daily. Thank You that You want us to work on our mindset and our words.
Holy Spirit please make us aware of our words and help us to know how to start shifting them so that they edify You and help others.
We give You all thanks and praise, Father, Son, & Holy Spirit, Amen