Do you ever wonder about God's love for you?
The earth was made by God's command. He thought and chose to create the universe, the earth, and His children--you!
He knew you before the dawn of time. Just writing that brings humble awe to my mind.
He knows me. He knows you. He knows every single hair on your head and the person next you, next them, across the ocean.
The depths of His love for you, me, and each person can not be fully fathomed.
We bring Thanksgiving from yesterday into today too. Are you thankful each day for His deep abiding love for you? Do you walk in that love? Do you know your worth down to your very core? Do you make choices and decisions based on His great love for you and desire to see you blessed?
Let's choose today to bring more thanksgiving into this day. Let's choose to make every choice from a place of knowing our value and worth! Let's confidently walk out our calling, our gifts, and our lives with happiness and joy.
*Are you struggling with your worth, or confidence, or making choices that will bless your life? Are you ready to step up into a new realm of blessings and mindset? Then message me now about my programs to bring you the happiness and joy that surpasses all worldly understanding.
Let's pray: Dear Lord God Almighty, we sing praises to Your name! We praise You each day for You are worthy of all praise!
We sing praises to You for Your love, mercy, and sacrifice for each of us. There is not one of us that You do not love and that You did not die to save.
Lord please help our spirits and minds to be in awe of Your love and to feel our worth from Your loving sacrifice so that we can make choices, decisions, and actions that align with Your will and way for our lives.
We praise You Jesus that You showed us the depth of The Father's love for us, so vast beyond all measure, that You would come for us, is beyond full comprehension.
Thank You for blessing us with The Holy Spirit that dwells within us. Please teach us to tap into the peace and power that is in us who are marked as Christ's own.
Please guide us to the scripture that our hearts, minds, and worldly wounds need for our complete healing.
And then help us to walk in newness of life and transformation, sharing our testimony with all those around us with joy, love, and compassion.
We praise You Lord Jesus, now and forever, Amen!

I empower women to become the miracle they seek--through learning how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of your value, worth, gifts, and more.
I will help you create the confidence, the mindset, the actions, the joy, and the perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this free Facebook community group for even more: Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah