The depth and breadth of our God is beyond full comprehension. His love and mercy are vast beyond all measure. His judgements of our intentions always true.
How do you intend to live out your days? What are your goals for this life and the life to come?
Success is different in each person's view. Yes, there are similarities but the nuances are individual.
God's calling on each of us is unique. His ways are higher than our ways. His desire for each of us is an individualized plan of purpose for His Kingdom agenda and glory for HIM who deserves all glory and praise!
What is God and your heart telling you to accomplish before you pass from this life into Jesus's arms?
Let's choose today to praise Him, seek Him, and walk out His plan with bold courage no matter how daunting the tasks look.
*Link arms with me and I will show you how to break overwhelm and catapult your success. Message me now or pick a slot on my calendar. Link below
Let's Pray: Dear God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, we come to the throne room with hands held high worshipping You who deserve all praise and glory!
Lord Jesus thank You that our sins are cast as far as the east is to the west. We humbly repent of any unwillingness to not listen and act in accordance with Your will and way.
Please Lord help us to know how to create healthy habits that grow our life into the individualized plan that You have for us. We long to be bold and courageous so that nothing and no one can stand in our way.
Please help us to fix our eyes on You and rebuke the desire to please others and to prize other people's opinions above Yours.
Thank You Jesus for being our Good Shepherd that leads us on a level path vanquishing the schemes of the enemy. We sing praises to Your name for the love, mercy, and protection You give us each and every day.
Thank You Holy Spirit for interceding on our behalf, for filling our mind and spirit with Your words, and overflowing in our homes!
Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Hosanna in The Highest! Amen!