God's word is an amazing lifestyle, personal development, and salvation book.
Often we look to God for immediate miracles. We beg and plead and look around seeking ways to hurry up and get us out of the issue or circumstance we are in.
How often do we analyze the situation and really look at our part in it?
How often do we seek to know if we are outside of God's instruction for our life?
So many circumstances in our lives we can prevent, heal, and transform simply by following God's mandates for our lives.
Are you seeking a miracle today or to become the miracle you seek?
*If you're ready to face real lasting transformation to bring the blessings and life you want so much then it's time for Christian Life coaching by Leah--message me now.
Let's pray: Lord Almighty, make of heaven and earth, we humbly come to the throne room of grace with a boldness bought by the blood of Your Son our Savior Jesus Christ.
We don't want to take for granted the immense and immeasurable gift of salvation, forgiveness, and mercy.
Lord please help us to remember and give thanks for this incredible gift.
Help us Lord to seek in Your word how to order our thoughts, our words, and our actions so that we can become the miracle we seek and the light that this broken world needs so desperately.
Please imprint Your Holy word upon our hearts and mind and lead us to read your word daily with revelation knowledge of Your scripture through the power of The Holy Spirit.
We sing praises to Your name Lord, thank You for Your mercy, love, and protection day by day, Amen.

*I empower women to learn how to speak the word of God to cultivate faithfulness, knowledge of their value, blessings, confidence, and perseverance to thrive in all of life's circumstances both good and bad.
Come to this table Blessed Christian Life Coaching by Leah!
All who seek to know God more are welcome here.